Intro To Immigration For Healthcare Organizations

Intro To Immigration For Healthcare Organizations

immigration lawyers of Roach and Bishop Law

Most healthcare organizations in the United States suffer from a chronic shortage of allied healthcare workers to fill basic positions at their facilities. These can be Medical Doctors, Nurses, Dentists, Physical Therapists, Dietitians, Medical Lab Technologists and the like. Given these shortages, many organizations have been more fully exploring the ability to sponsor foreigners in […]

Ten Reasons To Become A United States Citizen

immigration attorneys from Roach & Bishop Law

Q#1: I am Green Card holder and since 2024 is an election year I would like to vote! However, I need to apply for Citizenship before I am allowed. What are all of the advantages to becoming a US Citizen?  A#1: The Top Ten advantages and benefits of becoming a US Citizen are: Q#2: What […]

Diez Razones Para Convertirse Ee Ciudadano De Los Estados Unidos 

immigration attorneys from Roach & Bishop Law

P#1: Tengo mi Mica y, dado que 2024 es un año electoral, ¡me gustaría votar! Sin embargo, necesito solicitar la Ciudadanía antes de que se me permita. ¿Cuáles son todas las ventajas de convertirse en Ciudadano Estadounidense?  R#1: Las diez principales ventajas y beneficios de convertirse en Ciudadano Estadounidense son: P#2: ¿Cuáles son algunos países […]

Solicitando una Mica a Través de su Hijo Ciudadano de 21 Años

Eamonn Roach Roach and Bishop Law

P# 1: Escuché que si tengo un hijo Ciudadano mayor de 21 años, puedo solicitar una Mica en los EE. UU. a través de ellos. ¿Es eso cierto? R#1: La Ley de Inmigración de los Estados Unidos permite que un niño Ciudadano de 21 años de edad o más presente el primer paso hacia una […]

Do I Need a Lawyer for Immigration in the US?

do i need a lawyer to immigrate?

If you’re considering immigrating to the US or facing deportation, having an immigration lawyer by your side is essential. However, while it’s always better to be safe than sorry and hire an immigration lawyer, there are some instances when you may not need one. Immigration lawyers can be expensive, so you only want to call […]