Roach & Bishop Law

Do I Need a Lawyer for Immigration in the US?

If you’re considering immigrating to the US or facing deportation, having an immigration lawyer by your side is essential. However, while it’s always better to be safe than sorry and hire an immigration lawyer, there are some instances when you may not need one. Immigration lawyers can be expensive, so you only want to call on one when necessary. 

Cases Where You Don’t Need an Immigration Lawyerdo i need a lawyer to immigrate?

In general, if you’re not facing immediate deportation or immigration issues, an immigration lawyer isn’t necessary. Here are some specific cases where you don’t need to call on one:

You’re Visiting the US on a Short Vacation 

If you’re visiting the US on a short vacation of fewer than 90 days, there’s no need to consult an immigration lawyer. However, obtaining a visa is easier when you have an immigration lawyer and less headache and stress. 

Your Case is Straightforward 

If you’re applying for a visa or permit, and your case is straightforward, you may not need an immigration lawyer. This is especially true if you’ve read the requirements for the document in question and qualify. However, if you have any criminal record or history with authority figures, you’ll need an immigration lawyer. 

You’re Applying for a Green Card

You don’t always need an immigration lawyer when applying for a green card. However, immigration attorneys will make the process much smoother and less stressful and ensure you’ve dotted your T’s and crossed your I’s. 

Cases Where You Need an Immigration Lawyer can lawyers help me immigrate to the us blog topic

While there are some instances when you don’t need an immigration lawyer, there are many more where you’ll benefit from having one represent your case. 

Deportation Issues

The fear of getting deported or having a loved one get deported is one of the biggest fears for non-citizens in the US. Whether you have recently been notified that deportation proceedings have started against you or you have already been deported, an immigration lawyer can help. 

Deportation proceedings happen quickly and will often leave your head spinning. An immigration lawyer will ensure you have a fair shot at remaining in the US by representing you in court. 

Discretionary Relief 

There are many discretionary relief cases and similar issues in which an immigration lawyer can be instrumental. Here are a few of the most common. 

  • You’re seeking asylum in the US. 
  • You’re seeking a waiver of some sort. 
  • You’re applying for an investment-based visa. 
  • Issues related to government assistance and benefits. 

Green Card Issues 

Whether the authorities aren’t giving you a green card or you’re not sure if you qualify for one, an immigration lawyer can help. It’s common for authorities to ask for additional evidence when you’re applying for a USCIS or other type of green card. 

You may also be moving to the US to work, but your future employer isn’t helping with the visa process. In each case, an immigration lawyer can help with the proceedings and ensure you have everything you need for acceptance. 

You Have a Criminal Background 

No matter what you’re applying for or trying to do regarding immigration, citizenship, visas, green cards, or anything else, it will be extremely challenging to accomplish if you have a criminal background. That is unless you have an immigration lawyer fighting on your behalf. 

Who to Call When You Need an Immigration Lawyer in  Eastern  Washingtonlawyer for immigration necessity

No matter what your immigration needs or concerns are, the partners at Roach & Bishop are here to help. We’re one of the top immigration lawyers in the Pasco area and have ample experience in many immigration issues. Regarding your safety and security in the US, it’s best not to leave things up to chance. Contact us to schedule an appointment for any immigration issue, and we’ll walk you through what to expect and how to prepare. 


About Roach & Bishop

At Roach & Bishop, we are more than just a law firm. We are a team of dedicated local lawyers with over 60 years of experience, committed to serving our community with integrity, determination, and a deep understanding of the law. Our practice areas span from immigration to criminal defense, from family law to estate planning, and beyond. We’ve handled hundreds, even thousands, of cases, always striving to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients.

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