Medical Exams and Vaccination Record Requirements for Green Card

Q#1: I am applying for my Green Card inside the United States and am told I need to submit a medical exam and vaccination record completed by a doctor. Can I have my primary care doctor fill out the form?

A#1: Most likely no. This is because the medical exam must be completed by a doctor who is designated by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to complete the form.  USCIS has a list of medical doctors that have been specifically trained and are authorized to fill out the medical exam form. These doctors are referred to as “civil surgeons” and their names and locations are typically available on the USCIS website. 

Q#2: How much does it cost to complete the medical exam?

A#2: Rates vary depending on the civil surgeon. We recommend calling several local civil surgeons on the list to find out how much they charge for the medical exam and their appointment availability. Prices can vary by several hundred dollars and appointments can be booked out several weeks out.

Q#3: What should I bring to my medical exam appointment?

A#3: Photo ID, a list of medications you are currently taking, historical vaccination records (including proof of COVID-19 vaccination) and any other medical records of importance, along with a blank copy of the most recent edition of the medical exam form.

Q#4: Are there different editions of the medical exam form?

A#4: Yes. The form is updated periodically by USCIS, so filling out and submitting an old or expired form will result in your form being rejected by USCIS and your application for a Green Card being denied or rejected. So, make sure that your civil surgeon prepares and signs the most recent edition of the form.

Q#5: When I get my form back, will it be in a sealed envelope? If so, how do I know what it says?

A#5: Once the medical exam is prepared by the civil surgeon, it will be sealed in an envelope that you cannot open. Once the person sends or hands the medical exam to USCIS they will then unseal it and review it. However, prior to sealing the medical exam, it is recommended that clients ask for a full copy of the medical exam for their own records. 

Q#6: Is the COVID-19 vaccine still required for the issuance of my Green Card? Will a civil surgeon ask to see proof of vaccination?

A#6: Unless an individual has vaccination issues such as, allergies or contraindications, then the COVID-19 vaccine and all other vaccinations are required. There is also a non-medical exception to the COVID-19 vaccination, however, this is only based on deeply held religious beliefs or moral convictions that need to be documented and proven. If a person is trying to get their Green Card without receiving the required vaccinations, then a separate waiver that includes this documentation and proof is required to be filed and approved before the Green Card is granted.

Q#7: How long is the medical exam valid?

A#7: A medical exam that has been completed and signed by a civil surgeon on or after November 1st, 2023, does not expire. However, if an exam was prepared before that date, then the exam is valid for 2-years from the date the civil surgeon signed it. 

Q#8: What if I have specific questions about the medical exam and its effect on my immigration case?

A#8: You should speak with a competent immigration attorney to determine the requirements based on your individual circumstances and medical history to ensure that your Green Card application is not delayed or denied based the medical exam requirements of USCIS.

Eamonn P.S. Roach practices Immigration Law at the law firm of Roach & Bishop, LLP in Pasco, Washington. This information does not constitute legal advice. It is possible that this information does not apply to you. Each case depends on specific facts. If you have questions regarding the immigration laws that you would like answered in this column, please send them to: Eamonn P.S. Roach, 9221 Sandifur Pkwy, Suite C., Pasco, WA 99301, phone: (509) 547-7587, fax: (509) 547-7745; or email

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